Principal’s Message
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Russell Public School- where we Work Together to Achieve Success for All! At Russell PS, we take pride in the wide array of learning experiences and activities that we provide our students throughout the school year. Our shared commitment towards student-centred learning means we will work with student voice, learning data and best practices to keep the school day engaging, challenging and rewarding for our students.
Our school team is
committed to fostering a school culture focused on student achievement,
belonging - inclusivity, high expectations, collaboration, good character, community, and
wellness. We strongly believe in the act of Kindness and promote this
throughout our school culture.
We have a strong partnership with our families,
parents, and community members. These partnerships are important in helping our children reach
their fullest potential academically, physically, socially, and emotionally. We
believe that a family's involvement is imperative to a child’s education and we welcome parents/guardians and community members to assist our school in
whatever capacity they are able.
As Principal of Russell PS, I am proud to have this opportunity to work alongside our staff, students, families, and community. It is a privilege to be part of this dynamic team that will support our students.
Nichola Bond, Principal
613-445-2190 - school
[email protected]